Sexual health

At Skin & Medical Northbridge, we prioritise the private and discreet provision of sexual health screening and treatment, recognizing the sensitive nature of these concerns. Understanding the importance of regular testing for Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), we emphasise that testing not only provides peace of mind but also diminishes anxiety surrounding potential infections. It is crucial to note that many STIs may not exhibit noticeable symptoms, underscoring the significance of routine screenings.

Early detection through regular testing significantly enhances the chances of successful treatment, reducing the risk of complications that may arise from untreated infections. Beyond personal health, regular testing empowers individuals to make informed decisions about their sexual health and relationships. Proactive testing not only reduces the risk of transmission but also promotes responsible sexual behaviour and the adoption of safe sex practices. Our dedicated healthcare professionals create a safe space for individuals, offering professional advice to tailor screening and treatments based on individual needs, fostering an environment that prioritizes sexual health and overall well-being.

What are the types of STIs or STDs?

  1. Chlamydia  (Chlamydia Trachomatis)
  2. Gonorrhoea  (Neisseria Gonorrhoeae)
  3. Genital Herpes (Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 or 2)
  4. Molluscum Contagiosum
  5. Genital Warts
  6. Mycoplasma (Mycoplasma Genitalium)
  7. HIV / AIDS
  8. Syphilis
  9. Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C
  10. Candidiasis (Candida albicans)
  11. Trichomoniasis (Trichomonas Vaginalis)
  12. Scabies (Sarcoptes scabiei)
  13. Pubic lice (Pediculosis pubic)

What are the common symptoms of STIs?

STIs can often be asymptomatic. The common symptoms include the following:

  1. Unusual Genital discharge, either penis, vaginal or anus in smell, colour or texture
  2. Pain or discomfort passing urine
  3. Pain or discomfort during sex
  4. Genital sores or ulcers, Genital blisters
  5. A growth on genitals
  6. Swelling of genital, either vaginal, penis, penile foreskin, anus)
  7. Irritation, itchiness or rash in the genital area
  8. Pain in the scrotum or testicle
  9. Abnormal or unusual vaginal bleeding

Sexual health services

  1. The type of test requested by the doctor depends on the symptoms and risk factors.
  2. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) testing is the gold standard testing for most of the STIs. The test is done on  urine sample, vaginal swab, penile discharge swab, oral swab and anal swab.
  3. Serum blood serology testing for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B, hepatitis C infections.
  4. At SMN, the STI test usually involves urine test, vaginal swab, penile swab, anal swab, oral swab or blood test.  Most of these test results are available within 5 days of the testing. It is recommended for patient to follow up the results.
  5. Some STI may take up to 12 weeks to show up in the blood test.