Please refer to FAQ pages under Laser Dermatology. 

Please refer to FAQ pages under Skin Cancer.

Please refer to Vasectomy page.

It is important for you to know and understand your test results.

The practice staff are unable to access your test results or provide your results over the phone.

You are required to book a follow up appointment with your doctor, unless your doctor has an alternative arrangement made with you.

If the results requires urgent attention, you may receive a SMS message on your phone or our practice nurse may call you.

If you wish to request an updated or new referral for a specialist, or a new prescription for your medication, you will be required to make an appointment with your GP.

  • Please contact your new GP practice and complete their transfer of medical records consent form.
  • Once we have received the signed consent we can transfer your medical records to your new practice.
  • The size of the file will determine the fees associated.

We would prefer that you make an appointment with the doctor to discuss any issues.

If you would still like to leave a message, please call the practice for the receptionist to take a message.

Please do not email the practice or use any contact forms on our website. Messaging the practice is for the purpose of enquiries and appointments. No personal information or medical information should be emailed to the practice.

We value patient feedback whether it is good or bad.

Please contact the practice to request the best email address to leave feedback.

Skin & Medical Northbridge is affiliated with Australian Clinical Labs (ACL) to provide comprehensive and fast turn around pathology testing and results, and also advanced skin cancer histopathology evaluation.

The on-site pathology collection centre is  available Monday – Friday 1pm – 5pm.

Appointments for standard pathology collection are not required. Once you have a pathology referral from your doctor, you can walk in during their opening times.

Appointments are required for specific tests which the doctor will advise if required.

There is plenty of street parking on Newcastle Street Stirling Street and Parry Street. There is also additional parking available with Wilson Parking located at IGA Tyne Square and CPP Newcastle Street.

This practice has developed a policy to protect patient privacy in compliance with Australia’s privacy legislation.

As an ongoing of quality health care, the practice collects information about the patients. Sensitive information such as current and previous medical conditions and family health history are essential to provide an accurate diagnosis, appropriate treatment and ongoing health care. Other personal information that is required is there for us to contact you about your health, billing and refund purposes.

Disclosure of your information

To provide continuity of care, the information that we collect from you might be shared with other health care providers such as doctors, hospitals, pathologists, radiologists, specialist etc. upon request, relevant information will be made available to provide to other health service providers but no additional unnecessary date is given.

Your medical record is a confidential document. As part of the policy for this practice to maintain security of personal health information at all times and to ensure that the information is only available to authorised staff members.

Doctors may be legally obliged to disclose your information under certain circumstances such as medical defense purposes and reporting communicable diseases. All records must be disclosed to court orders, subpoenas, search warrants and Coroner’s Court cases.

Children above 16 years of age and other dependent relatives also have the right to privacy of their information. Other individuals accessing medical records will be determined by medical and legal privacy requirements and each request for access will be addressed individually.

If there are researches conducted, then each patient will be provided with a consent form for his/her information to be released.

Data quality and security of your information

It is the policy of the practice to maintain accurate, up-to-date and complete records. In assisting with this, any changes to your name or contact details, please inform us.

Your information will be stored in electronic formats and will be kept for 7 years after the last attendance at the practice; this is a legal requirement for administrative purpose. If the information is no longer needed after this time, information will be destroyed in a secure manner.

Access and correction of your information

Under Australia’s privacy legislation, you have the right to access your information.

You do not need to give the reason for request and the request does not have to be in writing. You can ask to view you information or have a copy of all, part of your records. Some circumstances, for example legal reasons, to access your information will be denied, but if this is the case, you will be advised of the reason.

There is no charge for lodging a request for access; however, a charge may be made if the practice incurs costs in providing the access to your records.

At Skin & Medical Northbridge, we welcome your feedback. If you wish to write a comment or have a complaint, please put in writing and addressed to the Management, the email address is: info@skinandmedical.com.au

Alternatively, you can contact the Health and Disability Services Complaints Office (HaDSCO) for an impartial resolution services for complaints related to health, disability and mental health services in Western Australia. For further information, please review the HsDSCO website or contact them on 1800 813 583.