At Skin & Medical Northbridge, we believed that quality mental health care should be accessible to all, which is why we provide a safe and private environment for patients to receive respectful and non-judgemental evidence-based psychotherapy.
Our dedicated team of experienced psychologist work closely with general practitioners, psychiatrist and other medical and mental health professionals to provide a patient-centred approached to psychological therapy, providing quality care based on compassionate principles, holistic care to support patient’s psychological health and to provide them with peace of mind.
We offer psychotherapy and counselling to patients of all ages, from adult to children. We also provide therapy to couples and families, regardless of race, gender or religious preferences.
Whether you are struggling with depression or anxiety, or just need someone to talk to, or you need help with your relationship, the psychologist at Skin & Medical is here to help.
Your mental health matters to us, and we are committed to providing a safe and inclusive space where you can prioritise your mental wellness. Take the first step toward a healthier and happier you by exploring the integrated approach to skin and mental health care at Skin & Medical Northbridge.

Psychologist services
- Fees & Rebates
- Cancellation & Privacy Policy
- Psychological Services
- Depression
- Anxiety Disorder
- Panic Disorder
- Social Anxiety Disorder
- Health Anxiety
- Adjustment Disorder
- Acute Stress Reaction
- Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
- Attention-Deficit Hyperactive Disorder
- Eating Disorder
Counselling / Psychotherapy Sessions: $200
Assessment & Report: Please call our friend staff for further information.
Better Access to Mental Health Care Initiative allows patients to access psychological services and receive a rebate from Medicare for up to 10 sessions per calendar year. To be eligible for the rebate, the patient will require a referral from your General Practitioner, Paediatrician or Psychiatrist. If you are referred by your General Practitioner, a GP Mental Health Careplan (MHCP) will need to be prepared.
The rebate amount from Medicare care is: $93.35
The rebates from private health insurance varies between funds. Please contact your own health funds and enquire about the rebate.
Please provide confirmation letter from the third party such as workers compensation or ICWA during your first consultation in order for us to arrange payment with the third parties. Any non payment by third parties becomes the responsibility of the patient.
Any non-attendance or cancellation within 24hours will be charged a full fee. Most third party will not cover the this fee.
At Skin & Medical Northbridge, we are committed to protect the privacy and confidentiality of the patients. All personal information obtained during the psychological sessions will remain confidential as required by the Privacy Act 1988 and Privacy Amendment Act 2012.
No information will be released without a signed consent form the patient. The following are exceptions which included:
- In situation whereby it is necessary to provide information to other health professionals involved in your management, or to third parties such as insurance companies, schools and parents. A signed informed consent will be obtain from you prior to releasing the information.
- In situation whereby we are required to disclose the information by law.
- In situation that you are at risk to yourself or to others, the psychologist is ethically bound to minimise or prevent the risk.
a) Individual Psychotherapy and Counselling
Range of issues such as:
- Depression / Anxiety
- Bipolar Disorder
- Borderline Personality Disorder
- Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Coping skills / Self esteem
- Life stage transition / Life coaching
- Anger Management
- Alcohol and substances abuse
- Peer relationship issues
- Cross cultural issues
b) Educational and Developmental Assessment and Therapy
Most beneficial for students from 5 years old to 18 years old
Providing assessment of learning and behavioural issues
Determine the need for intervention and psychological based learning program
Range of issues such as:
- Learning difficulties
- Dyslexia
- Educational issues
c) Child Psychotherapy
Therapy including paly therapy, sand therapy, CBT and trauma-focused therapy
Range of issues such as:
- Child Behavioural and developmental issue
- Low Self esteem
- Socializing issues
- Depression/Anxiety
- Bullying
- Separation anxiety
- Extreme shyness
- Autism Spectrum Disorder
d) Family & Relationship Therapy
Range of issues such as:
- Pregnancy and Post natal blues and depression
- Premarital counselling
- Marital issues
- Relationship issues
- Parenting issues
- Family Conflicts
- Chronic arguments and disagreements
- Infertility issues
- Sexual problems
- Intimacy issues
- Infidelity
- Divorce
- Geriatric issues
- Cross cultural issues
e) Trauma therapy
Range of issues such as:
- Bereavement
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Recent accident or injuries
- Domestic / Childhood abuse
- Witnessing death
- Victims of natural disaster
f) Psychological Assessment
- ADHD Assessment
- ASD Assessment
Depression is a medical issue that involves a persistent feeling of sadness or loss of interest in daily activities, which can be seen through changes in sleep, energy levels, appetite, or concentration. This condition significantly impairs an individual’s personal functioning, causing distress in their lives and lowering their mood.
Symptoms of depression impact the way a person feels and behaves, and can range from mild to extreme in severity. Some symptoms include:
- A lack of joy or feeling sad
- A loss of pleasure or interest in activities that were previously enjoyable
- A loss of or gain in appetite resulting in sudden change in weight
- Excessive sleep or inability to sleep
- A lack of energy, resulting in increased fatigue or getting fatigued easily
- Feelings of guilt or worthlessness
- Thoughts of self-harm, suicide or death
1 in 7 Australians will experience depression at some point in their lives. Depression is the most common mental issue that people seek help for, so if you have been feeling depressed, you are not alone.
To start your journey to recovery, book an appointment with one of our doctors and we will send you on the right pathway with the help and support that you need, no matter your age or background.
Anxiety is a common uncomfortable response to stress in our daily lives. It is normal to feel anxious, fearful or worried from time to time to keep you at your best. However, if you feel as though you are experiencing high levels of anxiety to the point where it causes distress or impairments in functioning, we can help.
A cluster of different disorders are considered as anxiety disorders, such as social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder. Symptoms of anxiety include high levels of stress, dread or physical signs, such as a rapid heart rate and sweating. 1 in 10 Australians experience constant anxiety, which affects their mood, ability to function, quality of life and relationships.
If you have been experiencing symptoms of anxiety, we recommend booking an appointment with one of our experienced doctors to help.
From time to time, it is common to feel under pressure by the struggles of our day-to-day lives. On some occasions, we may experience a panic attack as a result of a stressful situation. A panic attack is a strong surge of fear of discomfort which reaches peak intensity in a few minutes and can last up to twenty minutes to an hour.
Symptoms of a panic attack can include:
- Palpitations, pounding heart, accelerated heart rate
- Sweating
- Trembling or shaking
- Sensations of shortness of breath or smothering
- Feelings of choking
- Chest pain or discomfort
- Nausea or abdominal distress
- Feeling dizzy, unsteady, light-headed, or faint
- Chills or heat sensations
- Numbness or tingling sensations
- Fear of losing control or “going crazy”
- Fear of dying
- Derealization (feelings of unreality) or depersonalization (being detached from one-self)
When an individual experiences one unexpected panic attack that is not better explained by another medical condition or substance, and is accompanied by at least a month of persistent worry about the presence of another panic attack, this can result in the diagnosis of panic disorder. Further panic attacks may vary in frequency from daily, once a week or once a month. Panic disorder may also result in changes in the individual’s behaviour, such as avoiding exercise or public spaces. Roughly 5% of Australians will experience panic disorder in their lifetime, so you are not alone.
If you believe you or a loved one may have panic disorder, do not hesitate to book an appointment with us to begin your journey recovery.
Have you ever found yourself persistently worrying about a sickness that you may have, even though medical tests demonstrate that you are healthy?
Although some worry regarding your health is helpful and adaptive, excessive and constant worrying regarding your health may be a sign of health anxiety. Health anxiety is characterised by an excessive and irrational fear about having a serious medical condition, despite having few or no symptoms. This can be problematic and distressful, and may result in unhelpful behaviours such as constant body-checks, medical tests and obsessive and persistent online reading about one’s symptoms.
Symptoms of health anxiety may include:
- Constant worry about your health
- Frequently checking your body for signs of illness
- Feeling nervous and obsessed with frequently checking your health status
- Avoiding people or places out of a fear of contracting an illness
- Constantly looking for information about symptoms and health conditions on the internet
- Fear that physical sensations are caused by a serious medical disease
- Constantly talking to others about health problems
- Making doctor’s appointments to check up on mild symptoms or normal body functions
- Significant distress over the possibility of being sick, such that it impairs your normal daily functioning
Health anxiety affects roughly 6% of the Australian population across the lifespan. If you believe you have health anxiety, do not hesitate to book an appointment with us to discuss possible treatment options.
Adjustment disorder involves the inability to adjust to stressful life events, which can lead to a range of psychological and physical symptoms. Such stressful life events can include losing a loved one, losing a job, or experiencing financial hardships. Each individual has a unique way of responding to life events, whether trivial or significant. However, some individuals experience an emotional and behavioural reaction that is longer and more intense than expected, resulting in impairments in social, occupational or other areas of functioning.
The prevalence of adjustment disorders is high within the general population, ranging from 5% to 20%. If you believe that you may have an adjustment disorder, do not hesitate to book an appointment with one of our doctors to seek the medical advice that you need.
Acute stress disorder is present in 6% to 33% in individuals who have directly experienced or witnessed any sort of traumatic event, such as a natural disaster or unfortunate event. The symptoms of this disorder typically last 3 to 4 weeks after the traumatic event, and can last a few years. If left untreated, this disorder can slowly progress to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Symptoms of acute stress disorder include:
- Dissociative amnesia (i.e. unable to recall important aspects of the traumatic event)
- Derealization (i.e. feel detached from reality and your surroundings)
- Recurrent flashbacks or illusions about the traumatic event
- Reliving the same sensational experience during the traumatic event
- Recurrent and distressing trauma-related nightmares
- Avoid external triggers that remind you of the traumatic events (e.g. places, objects, or people)
- Distress when reminded of the traumatic event
- Easily anxious or irritable with little or no provocation
- Sleep disruption
- Inability to feel happy and have a low mood
- Experience negative thoughts
Many of us may experience flashbacks or nightmares after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event, such as a natural disaster, death of a loved one, assault or accident. While symptoms typically decrease slowly after this experience, some may experience intense adverse effects for a longer period of time. If these symptoms last for at least a month and are sufficiently severe, interfering with your occupation or relationships, you may be experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder.
Symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder include:
- Dissociative amnesia (i.e. unable to recall important aspects of the traumatic event)
- Derealization (i.e. feel detached from reality and your surroundings)
- Recurrent flashbacks or illusions about the traumatic event
- Reliving the same sensational experience during the traumatic event
- Recurrent and distressing trauma-related nightmares
- Avoid external triggers that remind you of the traumatic events (e.g. places, objects, or people)
- Distress when reminded of the traumatic event
- Easily anxious or irritable with little or no provocation
- Sleep disruption
- Inability to feel happy and have a low mood
- Experience negative thoughts
Post-traumatic stress disorder affects roughly 6% to 9% of the general adult population. The disorder impacts every individual in a unique way, and the severity of the disorder heavily depends on the resources and social support that was available for that individual following the traumatic event.
If you believe that a traumatic event has significantly harmed your wellbeing and you are experiencing any of the symptoms above, we highly encourage you to book an appointment and seek out medical advice from our knowledgeable doctors.
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder of childhood that affects one’s ability to control attention and impulsive behaviours. Other aspects of functioning such as planning, emotional regulation and organisation may also be affected. This disorder is one of the most common mental conditions affecting children and symptoms can persist into adulthood.
The symptoms of ADHD can be broken down into two core dimensions:
This involves the inability to sustain attention, especially so for tasks that are repetitive, structured and less enjoyable. This dimension also includes difficulties in following instructions, resisting distractions, planning and organisation. Examples of inattentive behaviour include being daydreamy, processing information slowly, having difficulty focussing on tasks having trouble remembering things and appearing socially withdrawn.
This aspect involves the lack of control of motor behaviour, poor sustained inhibition of behaviour and the inability to delay a response or gratification. Examples of hyperactive behaviours include fidgeting, squirming, running, finding it difficult to stay in their seats, being excessively energetic and/or talkative. Additionally, examples of impulsive behaviours include being Impatient, blurting out inappropriate comments, being unable to take turns and interrupting others’ conversations or activities.
The estimated number of Australians with ADHD is roughly 5%. Both adults and children can display symptoms of ADHD that impact their daily living and functioning. If you believe that you or your child is displaying symptoms of ADHD, give us a call or book online to speak with one of our doctors.
An eating disorder is a serious mental health condition that involves an unhealthy relationship with food. This disorder significantly impacts a person’s emotions, physical health and relationships. Eating disorders can be characterised by overeating, undereating or a combination of both. Examples of eating disorders include binge eating disorder (BED), bulimia nervosa, anorexia nervosa, or other specified feeding or eating disorder (OSFED).
Regardless of your gender, cultural background or age, anyone can experience an eating disorder. About 1 in 7 Australians experience an eating disorder in their lifetime.
Symptoms of an eating disorder include: a preoccupation with your appearance, food and gaining weight, a dissatisfaction with your body shape, having secretive eating habits, feeling out of control with food or making yourself vomit or using laxatives to lose weight. Each of the 3 common types of eating disorders require different symptoms to meet a diagnosis.
Binge eating disorder (BED) makes up about half of all eating disorder cases in Australia. Those who suffer from this disorder may eat large quantities of food within a short period of time that is larger than what is expected of that circumstance, despite not being hungry. This is called ‘binging.’ After a binge, an individual may experience feelings of guilt or shame, but do not purge their food, unlike bulimia nervosa. It is common, however, for people with BED to go on fasts or diets as a result of their binge.
Bulimia nervosa is experienced by 1 in 10 Australians with an eating disorder. This disorder involves binges, often which are secretive, followed by a ‘purge’ where food is expelled via vomiting, laxatives, diet pills, diuretics or excessive exercise. People with bulimia nervosa often find themselves within a cycle of bingeing and purging within a week, which causes distress and a feeling of uncontrollability.
About 1 in 100 Australians with an eating disorder suffer from anorexia nervosa. People with this disorder are underweight, preoccupied with food and have a strong fear of gaining weight. They may have body dysmorphia, which is a distorted perception of their body shape, perceiving themselves as fat when they may not be. Those with anorexia nervosa have strict rules for themselves about their diets and exercise regimes that may be unhealthy or stressful for the individual.
If you have been experiencing these symptoms, no matter where you are in your lifetime, we are here for support. Call us for an appointment and we will provide a step-by-step treatment plan so that you can overcome your condition.
Social anxiety disorder involves the experience of a disproportionate fear or anxiety in social situations, which is due to the fear of being judged or criticised by others. Social situations may involve holding conversation, eating, drinking or even walking into a grocery store.
Symptoms of social anxiety can be emotional or behavioural, including:
Roughly 11% of Australians will experience social anxiety disorder in their lifetime, with 7% experiencing this disorder within any 12-month period. Many individuals experiencing this disorder may, as a result, avoid social situations altogether. However, this is not a healthy coping mechanism and can worsen symptoms.
If you have been experiencing social anxiety, give us a call or book an appointment with us online to discuss the available treatment options.