Facial Redness & Rosacea Treatment Perth


Do you suffer from facial flushing or redness? Is it significantly affecting your skin appearance and your self-confidence? Our laser treatments can help reduce your symptoms and make you feel good in your skin again. At Skin & Medical Northbridge, we offer safe and efficient solutions for treating facial redness, rosacea and vascular conditions and lesions. Our team of experts create personalised treatment plans to meet your unique needs, ensuring the best possible results and giving you a brighter skin tone without red blemishes. Book your consultation today. 


Treatment of facial redness, rosacea and vascular conditions requires detailed diagnosis, individualised treatment according to your skin type followed by a multidisciplinary approach to ensure successful and sustainable results. Treatment often requires a combination of the following:

  • Lifestyle changes including reducing and avoid sun exposure, reducing alcohol and spicy food consumption, improve stress management and changing cosmetics.
  • Oral medications that reduce inflammation and infection.
  • Topical creams that treat skin mites, infections and inflammation.
  • Natural vascular treatment including vitamins, antioxidants, niacinamide and ceramide.
  • Vascular Laser Therapy which is the preferred method due to efficiency and precision, and especially when combining with above options.

With state-of-the-art laser machines used by our experienced practitioners, the therapy is renowned for its ability to reduce blemishes, treat broken blood vessels, prevent flare ups, restore and rejuvenate the skin and promote a brighter and more even skin tone.

Book Your Consultation Now

With our advanced laser treatments for rosacea and a range of other vascular conditions, you’ll see a significant improvement in your skin’s appearance and regain your confidence. Contact us on (08) 6558 5188 to learn more about our tailored treatments or book your consultation online today.

Skin vascular conditions

Rosacea is a common inflammatory skin condition affecting areas of face and neck. Typically presenting as long term redness and flushing, with intermittent flares up for weeks to months. It affects both women and men, typically begins after the age of 30.
The most common symptoms are:

  1. Facial redness and flushing
    Often mistaken as repetitive sun burn. This permanent flushing often occurs on the nose or cheeks. Sometimes appearing as mildly swollen nose or cheeks.
  2. Inflamed papules and pustules
    These inflamed pimple like lesions are similar to acnes and sometimes contains pus. Occasionally appearing as a non tender lumps under the skin.
  3. Enlarged or more visible capillaries and veins
    This is most commonly seen on the nose or cheeks, presenting as spider veins or telangiectasia
  4. Burning sensation on skin
    The affected area of the skin is more sensitive and often hot to touch. They also become easilty irritated.
  5. Chronic eye irritation
    Occasionally the eyes can be affected, known as ocular rosacea, leading to chronic conjunctivitis type redness, itchiness and dryness.
  6. Enlarged nose
    The skin becomes thicken over time due to rosacea, especially in the nasal area, leading to a condition called rhinophyma.

The cause of rosacea is unknown. Both genetic and environmental factors plays a role in the development of the inflammation condition. Skin mites is also understood to contribute to the development of rosacea.

There is no cure for rosacea. However, the symptoms can be controlled and minimised. Our clinic offers Rosacea treatment using combination of oral, topical and laser therapy.

Cherry angioma is a common benign vascular skin lesions, caused by proliferation of endothelial cells. It appears as bright red “cherry” small, pinhead-like lesions. They are usually round, 2 to 4mm in size. It can appear at any age, but markedly increase in numbers from the age of 40, especially in lighter skin types. It is seen on 75% of adult over the age of 75 years. It is also known as cherry haemangioma or Campbell de Morgan spots.
Our clinic offers cherry angioma treatment using electro diathermy, cryotherapy or laser therapy.

Spider angioma is a common benign vascular malformation skin lesions composed of dilated blood vessels. Often presented with a central bright red papule and fine red lines branching out from the centre resembling spider legs. The lesions do not cause pain and they do not bleed when injured. It is also called spider naevi or spider telangiectasis. Single lesions are common, affected 15 % of population. It is most commonly located on face, neck and upper chest. There is no known cause for the lesions. Hormonal fluctuations is suggested as an association.
Our clinic offers spider angioma treatment using electro diathermy, cryotherapy or laser therapy.

Telangiectasias are better known as facial veins, these vascular lesions generally develop on the face. You can recognise telangiectasia by the fine, red blood vessels that form on your nose or face. They are common benign broken or dilated blood vessels.

Spider veins appear as thin lines, webs, or branches snaking along your legs. These lesions are blue, purple, or red in colour.

These are usually a result of vascular lesions developing on the lower lip area. The vascular dilation results in the formation of soft bluish lesions.

Frequently Asked Questions


Vascular conditions are relatively common, affecting both women and men, developed between 30 to 50 years old. The most common is facial diffuse generalised redness, which may be intermittent or permanent, and may slowly progresses over time. Rosacea is one of the most common causes of facial redness. Other conditions include spider veins, telangiectasia and single vascular lesions.

The exact causes of facial redness or rosacea is unknown. It is still considered as a part of the natural ageing process and can be caused by prolonged UV exposure. Often it’s related to genetics, temperature, humidity, excessive alcohol or spicy food consumption, and underlying medical conditions such as high blood pressure or liver conditions. Skin mites are also understood to contribute to the development of rosacea.


A variety of conditions cause abnormal skin redness and vascularity:

  • Skin Cancer
  • General uneven facial tone / diffuse redness / vascularity
  • Rosacea
  • Acne
  • Acne induced redness, red scars
  • Spider veins
  • Telangiectasia
  • Cherry angioma
  • Spider angioma

It is important to book a consultation with our doctors at Skin & Medical Northbridge, who can best identify and diagnose your type of skin condition and tailor an individualised treatment plan that meets your needs.