Non-surgical removal of skin cancer

At Skin & Medical Northbridge, we are dedicated to providing top-notch skin cancer treatments to ensure the well-being of our patients. While surgical removal is a common approach for cancer treatment, we also offer a range of non-surgical procedures. Our expert team of skin doctors utilises cutting-edge techniques that prioritise patient comfort and safety, promoting effective results and faster recovery.

We understand the emotional impact of a skin cancer diagnosis, and our compassionate team is here to support you throughout your journey to better skin health. Early detection is crucial in managing skin cancer, and our state-of-the-art facilities and advanced procedures ensure you receive the highest standard of care. Our experienced doctors utilise advanced techniques like diathermy, cryotherapy, and laser treatment to ensure precision and effectiveness.

Skin & Medical Northbridge is your trusted partner in skin cancer treatment, offering both surgical and non-surgical options to suit your individual needs. We prioritise patient health and safety above all else. Our comprehensive approach to skin cancer care includes thorough examinations, accurate diagnosis, and personalised treatment plans tailored to each patient’s unique needs. Whether you require surgical or non-surgical treatments, our expert skin doctors are committed to delivering the best possible outcomes.

Different types of non-surgical procedures for skin cancer


Diathermy is a non-surgical skin cancer treatment that employs high-frequency electric currents to remove cancerous lesions. This precise technique is particularly effective for smaller growths, such as superficial basal cell carcinomas. The electric current targets the abnormal cells, effectively destroying them while minimising damage to healthy surrounding tissue.

At Skin & Medical Northbridge, our skilled doctors are well-versed in diathermy procedures. This minimally invasive approach offers several benefits, including reduced scarring, minimal bleeding, and a shorter recovery time. With diathermy, you can have peace of mind knowing that your skin cancer is being treated with accuracy and efficiency.


Cryotherapy is a non-surgical skin cancer treatment that uses extreme cold to freeze and destroy abnormal skin cells. This procedure is particularly suitable for most types of benign skin lesion such as warts, skin tags, molluscum contagiosum, seborrheic keratosis and solar keratosis. It is also suitable for certain types of basal cell carcinomas and precancerous lesions. During cryotherapy, liquid nitrogen is applied to the affected area, causing the abnormal cells to freeze and eventually fall off. It is also referred as cryosurgery or cryoablation.

The minimally invasive procedures involve the doctor using a cryospray container or a cotton-tipped applicator to apply liquid nitrogen onto affected area. Depending on the type, depth and diameter of the lesion, the nitrogen is applied for a few seconds, and the process may be repeated once thawed. After the treatment, usually, no special attention is needed after the procedure.

Our expert doctors at Skin & Medical Northbridge perform cryotherapy with precision, ensuring targeted treatment and minimal discomfort for our patients. This quick and convenient procedure requires little to no downtime, allowing you to resume your regular activities promptly.


Laser treatment is an innovative non-surgical option for to manage many types of skin condition and skin lesions. Usually it is not use for skin cancers or lesions that may be cancerous. This method uses focused beams of light to precisely target and destroy cancerous cells. Laser treatment is often preferred for its ability to preserve healthy tissue surrounding the affected area.

At Skin & Medical Northbridge, our doctors employ state-of-the-art laser technology to deliver effective skin cancer treatment. This minimally invasive procedure offers reduced scarring, minimal bleeding, and faster healing, ensuring a comfortable and convenient experience for our patients.

Please refer to our Laser Dermatology page for more information.